Working during the Covid Second Wave and achieving 100% output

We are proud and pleased to announce 100% achievement of our production and despatch targets for the month of April 2021. Working under the shadow of the 2nd wave of the pandemic with increasing caseloads and a general setting of panic amongst the society, the question is “How did we do it?”

The answer lies in our core values of being “Adaptive” “Agile” and “Savvy” at all times and the pandemic is no different either!

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and workers at the factory, Radiant undertook the below mentioned initiatives to stay a step ahead of the curve and havoc being wreaked by the virus.

  • Visitor Movement – We stopped allowing all visitors to the factory and took recourse to online meetings and interactions to conclude vendor meetings, supplier interactions and interviews.
  • Transport Fleet – We increased our transport fleet to accommodate the same workforce, albeit in a more socially distanced manner during the daily commute to and from the factory.
  • Awareness Campaign – The HR team in conjunction with all the departments raised the pitch and tenor of the ongoing awareness campaign against COVID–19 and the precautions needed for the same. Towards that end, all employees and workers were constantly reminded of the 3 Ws – wash hands, wear masks and weaken spread by social distancing.
  • Health Care – The factory medical setup received a boost in the arm by the installation of a state of the art Oxygen concentrator in our medical room to cater to emergency situations and circumstances.
  • Disinfection – Disinfection protocols were strengthened further and all touchpoints were sanitized more often. More manpower was allocated for this task to ensure 100% coverage of the factory premises leaving nothing to chance.

 • Positive Mind-set – It is to the credit of our entire workforce who maintained a positive mind set to achieve the monthly targets without compromising on safety and their well-being knowing fully well that radiant had their backs covered (in terms of Covid hospitalisation and insurance). We thank all our employees, workers and vendors who have partnered with us to achieve our targets for April 2021. “Together we can, together we will”