What is consumer electronics manufacturing? Its importance & trends!

Consumer electronics have been part of the manufacturing industry for decades. It started with Edison’s invention of the electric typewriter, and now we are stepping towards organic electronics and AI-infused technology. With each passing year, we are able to design unimaginable machines that not only geared towards helping people but also are contributing to society. So, before we step into the Industry 5.0 era filled with wonderful technological advancements, let’s take a look at what consumer electronics are and their importance.

What is the importance of consumer electronics?

  • To the economy

Consumer electronics are not just limited to TVs and phones, these also include DVDs, MP3s, cameras, etc. Besides being a large industry, it is also one of the most revenue-generating industries. The value of the consumer electronics market in just 2022 will be over US$70.72 billion. Over the course of 2022–2027, it is expected to expand by over 4 billion (5.92%). This not only means more production of various products but also incredible opportunities for jobs, technology, and others.

  • To the environment

With the world we live in, it is practically impossible to be unaware of the dangers our environment is facing. This is why many industries, including the electronics industry, are reducing their pollutant production, like GHG emissions, to zero. By replacing these with renewable energy sources, the industry can gain 70% greater efficiency when compared. Even the government is supporting such causes with the help of policies such as BEE certifications that ensure energy conservation.

  • TV

Television is the second-largest revenue generator in just 2021. Even though we have progressed to OTT media services, televisions are not obsolete. In fact, now these products are designed with innovations that include the usability of OTT platforms as well. If that is not enough, these are also able to connect to the internet and function similarly to your regular phones and laptops.

  • Mobiles

Though mobile phones were made with the sole purpose of connecting to your loved ones, they have become more than just that. Today, we can use these devices to not only talk to family but also watch movies, play games, attend meetings, and much more. With artificial intelligence (AI) becoming the new trend, we might also see its integration into cell phones in the upcoming years.

  • Refrigerators

You might wonder why refrigerators have become a trend when they are not used as frequently by the public. The answer is simple! People like products that make their lives easier. With refrigerators that can now produce ice automatically as well as interact with the user, who wouldn’t want to have these in their home?

Even though consumer electronics have been part of our community, based on the statistics we see today, they are not going away any time soon. This is why knowing what it is and how it can benefit you is very important. If you want to know more about a similar manufacturing industry topic, please visit our website, Radiant Appliances & Electronics today!