Recognising our outstanding performers

At Radiant, we nurture, recognise and reward talent that performs beyond the call of duty and exhibit our core values of Adaptive, Agile and Savvy. Our workforce was no exception to the onslaught of the second wave of the pandemic that reared its ugly head in end April before finally subsiding in mid-June 2021.

Due to the rising cases of infection, we tightened our COVID protocols and management due to which more than 90% of our workforce managed to keep themselves safe and secure. It is to the credit of our motivated, dedicated and disciplined workforce that the factory could remain functional 24 * 7 during these tough times and still meet our targets, both in productivity and quality standards.

During these times, many of our staff at the operational level stepped out of their shoes and assumed bigger roles to cover up for the absence of others who were infected and down. These bunch of motley people across all departments, displayed ownership and commitment to complete the assigned tasks and fulfil their individual and departmental targets at all costs. To recognize these superlative achievers and reward them for their outstanding performance, a Reward and Recognition program was organised at the factory wherein these intrepid and bold youngsters were given their due! We are proud of our workforce who respond to challenging situations and outperform each other in our quest to be the best in everything that we set about to do.