5 Reasons why working at Radiant

“There’s no magic formula for great company culture. The key is just to treat your staff how you would like to be treated” – Richard Branson

As Richard Branson created and took Virgin Atlantic from scratch to the skies, we at Radiant are on a mission to soar above the Indian Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) spectrum with our motto of #adaptive #agile #savvy being followed in everything we do and how we do it on a daily basis. Our core values of Trust, Transparency, Loyalty, and Quality symbolizes our relationship with our customers and also shapes our internal ethics and behaviour attitude within ourselves amongst our workforce. We are proud of each and every one of our assets, as we call them and take care of them keeping in mind our vision, mission and values. Working at Radiant inspires our assets to give their best foot forward while the organisation takes great care to fulfil their requirements from the employer. What sets us apart from others? What is it that we do differently that is unique and distinct from others? Why should someone with the thirst for knowledge and hunger for a career growth join Radiant? Read on to understand the key differentiators and top 5 reasons as to why working at Radiant is exceptionally rewarding.

1)Professional Growth:

“If you can DREAM it, you can DO it” – Walt Disney

Our assets are encouraged to dream big right from the day they are associated with Radiant. We motivate them to think out of the box and aim high, right at the top. We follow best practices of the industry and ensure that our operational standards are always one notch above the competition. Our assets are kept abreast of the latest advances in the electronics manufacturing technology, technical knowhow, 5S improvements, LEAN manufacturing concepts along with undergoing continuous training in skill advancement and technical parameters. Our training programs ensure that our talent is abreast with the latest TV design technologies and solutions along with being alive to the latest advancements in logistics and warehousing.

2)Career Growth:

“If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission” – Unknown

At Radiant, we reward our performers with an unmatched and a fast paced career growth in pursuit of their dreams and goals. We hire fresher’s at regular intervals, straight from the colleges and mould them into successful and competent professionals ready to take on any challenge and task thrown on towards them. Our Graduate Engineering Trainee’s (GETs) are testimony to this fact wherein they are now leading many sub functions and verticals within their respective departments within a few months of joining us while other talent, who have joined us from multiple organisations have seen tremendous growth in their job functions and roles and responsibilities. Our rewards and recognition program highlights individual and team achiever’s inside the entire organisation and motivates them to keep performing, literally beyond the call of duty. Top performers are promoted to hold additional responsibilities besides being provided with more opportunities and avenues of growth within the organisation. We firmly believe in our talent and their ability to match their skills with our fast paced growth and expansion.

3)Financial Growth:

“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” ― George Patton

At Radiant, we firmly believe in taking the bull by the horns instead of procrastinating and awaiting favourable circumstances to prevail. This aggressive methodology coupled with the years of experience in operating in the EMS industry has resulted in high levels of financial growth to the organisation that is automatically cascaded till the lowest level of our entire workforce. We are one of the rare examples in India, wherein we have not retrenched even a single asset – on the contrary we have kept the hiring graph moving up month on month since May 2020 and this saga continues till date. While the entire industry was in the midst of layoffs, shutdowns and salary cuts, we at Radiant were exceptions to any of the above reprisals and even managed to push in our appraisals last year in the midst of the pandemic. Our talent is encouraged to focus on their goals and tasks while their financial stability is taken care of by the management, at all times.

4)Work Life Balance:

 “No one on his deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I had spent more time at the office.”– Paul Tsongas

We firmly believe in the philosophy of work life balance and encourage our talent to prioritize their work life balance at all times. Having one of the most liberal leave policies in the industry, we encourage our assets to take time off to attend to their personal priorities without compromising on their deliverables at work. Towards this end, all our managers follow the principle of multi-tasking and creating back up assets to handle work responsibilities in the absence of regular team members in their respective verticals. We encourage people to arrive and leave from offices on time while our transport vehicles leave the premises within thirty (30) minutes of shift closure time to ensure that no time is wasted at the factory premises post work. On holidays and off days, our work groups on WhatsApp and other social media channels on a one day mute mode as the entire workforce appreciates and values the importance of personal time and space, that is earned by our talent after giving their best throughout the week.

5)Work Culture:

“You can have all the right strategy in the world; if you don’t have the right culture, you’re dead.”– Patrick Whitesell

Radiant operates on the principal of an open door culture which encourages our talent to reach out to any hierarchical level without passing through the labyrinth of bureaucracy and managers to put across a point or voice a feedback for process improvement. Our core values of Trust, Loyalty, Transparency and Quality are not merely for academic interest but are indicative of the way we work internally within the organisation. While 70% of our workforce are millennials, we take great pride in working in an all-encompassing and all-inclusive work environment free from any discrimination or bias in any form. Our policies and practices are “People Focused” at all times as we firmly believe that our workforce are our greatest assets and they must be prioritized in all aspects first and the rest just falls in place. So………You now know what sets us apart from the competition and what makes our assets to outperform each day as we continue towards our vision “To see a consumer appliance manufactured by Radiant in every home in India.” We are on our way to become a great place to work while we absorb talent from across India and the globe in our quest to be Number 1 in the near future!