Diversity and Inclusion at Radiant

Diversity and Inclusion at Radiant

“Diversity, or the state of being different, isn’t the same as inclusion. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations.” — Bill Crawford

Diversity and inclusion are two interconnected concepts- but they are far from interchangeable. Diversity is about the representation of an entity whereas inclusion is about how well the contributions, presence, and perspectives of different groups of people are values, appreciated, and integrated into an environment.

A diverse and inclusive workplace makes everyone, regardless of who or what they do, feel equally involved and supported in all areas of the workplace. The “All” areas are important.

Keeping the above things important and in perspective, we ensure that at Radiant, the work environment is always about feeling valued and appreciated irrespective of gender, race, region, religion, sexual orientation, and belonging to any certain group.

At Radiant, two kinds of workforce are employed, namely contractual workers and permanent employees. Each type of workforce brings its individual flavor of culture to the organization and along with it, its unique challenges. Below are some of the practices we follow to maintain a healthy, diverse and inclusive environment at the organization.

During recruitment both permanent and contractual, we make utmost efforts to maintain a balance of people from diverse backgrounds. We maintain one of the best gender ratios amongst our on roll and contractual workforce in an industry which is otherwise dominated by males. With respect to geographical diversity, we boast of great diversity in out talent base, both permanent and contractual. Our talent encompasses men and women from nineteen (19) states and UT’s who work with passion and perseverance at our factory. This ensures that diversity is maintained at various levels of the organization among both internal and external stakeholders and leads to fair treatment for everybody irrespective of gender or region.

To encourage Inclusion, a “Connect with MD” session is conducted every month, wherein randomly selected contractual workers and staff get a chance to interact with the Managing Director and COO of the Radiant along with the HR head and voice out their opinions on their daily work life enabling the leadership team to understand the ground realities. This ensures that the work culture of the organization is inclusive and open-ended in nature.

In addition, we conduct Net Promoter Score (NPS) based employee engagement surveys that are conducted every month wherein all employees are free to voice in their opinions and provide constructive, actionable feedback which is implemented across the organization. All feedback on employee surveys are always kept confidential while the process is completely anonymous.

Striving to follow industry leading practices related to D & I, we at Radiant endeavor to provide the best possible work environment to our adaptive, agile and savvy workforce so that they put their hearts and minds in whatever they set to achieve at the factory.