Commuting @ Radiant

“It must be awfully frustrating to get a small raise at work and then have it all eaten by a higher cost of commuting” ~ Ben Bernanke

At Radiant, we ensure that our talent (both employees and 3rd party associates) are spared the rigours and expenses involved in the daily commute to work and back. We focus on Safety, Speed, Reliability and Quality of transport to make their everyday journey an uneventful and a comfortable experience. We firmly believe that investing on our transport fleet is a long term strategic investment that defies the laws of diminishing returns and instead focuses on intangible returns like improved attendance figures, reduced attrition rates higher efficiency at work besides ensuring more quality time off work due to reduced transit time.

“For many people, commuting is the worst part of the day, and policies that can make commuting shorter and more convenient would be a straightforward way to reduce minor but widespread suffering” ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Our policies and processes ensure two major outcomes on a day to day basis – our talent travel hassle free and pay a highly subsidised amount for travel. Rising costs of fuel and increasing traffic volumes mean nothing for our staff and associates who travel daily to and from work without being signed by costs or travel time. How do we do that? Read on to find out more

 Transport Fleet

Our transport fleet feature modern buses, with AC buses used on longer routes. The fleet comprises buses of various capacities that are interchanged on different routes depending on load factor and usage ratios.


We connect 100% of the routes that are used by more than 95% of our staff and associates thus eliminating the need of using personal transport for them. We run our fleet of buses across both the shifts ensuing seamless and uninterrupted connectivity to the factory come rain, sunshine or storm.


We use a state of the art in house software monitoring system to track each and every passenger on a daily basis eliminating concepts of bus passes or tokens from the ecosystem. This ensures 100% accuracy of data metrics and ensures exact data points for use by the admin team.


Radiant bears more than 85% of the incurred costs on running the transport fleet every month while a miniscule 15% costs are passed onto the actual passengers. The monthly costs borne by an average passenger is less than the cost of a cab that charges an amount for a single trip to the factory from the middle of the city.


Safety of our passengers, especially women are out topmost priority and we never compromise on the same under any circumstances. Towards this end, we have exclusive ladies special buses that are used only by female passengers while male passengers have access to male’s only buses. In addition, factory boarding points for males and females are located at two separate ends of the factory thus ensuring safety and security at the boarding points, after shift closure timings.


Our fleet comprise buses that are put through a 75 point checklist every month in terms of documentation, upkeep, maintenance and emission norms.

Travel Time

Our quick and bottle neck free entry and exit procedure ensure that our talent spend the least possible time while entering and exiting our factory premises. We are conscious of the fact that any worker or staff after finishing work desires to get back home as soon as possible and we go out of our way to ensure that this happens on a daily basis. Similarly, we ensure that incoming staff and associates face zero delays on arrival and get to the respective work stations in the least possible time frame.

““I’ve spent so many years commuting, I kind of prefer a home office” ~ Hillary Clinton

As we are into core manufacturing, we obviously cannot afford the luxury of a home office and thus rely on other means to keep our talent comfortable, safe and ride every day in a quality transport fleet. Underlining our core values of #Adaptive #Agile #Savvy in everything we do, our transport management is reflective of our efforts to be the best in whatever we do.